Our News AllCommunication-MarketingDigital-LearningInformation managementOn-site TrainingWe are TAKOMA Our production in 2024We are TAKOMA, We are TAKOMA TAKOMA x Excellens FormationWe are TAKOMA, We are TAKOMA Podcast “Itinéraires Singuliers by TAKOMA”We are TAKOMA AutoSécurité, Sécuritest & Verif’autos (SGS group brands) – Motion Designs : Preparing the technical inspectionCommunication-Marketing ARC by TAKOMAWe are TAKOMA Our production in 2023We are TAKOMA Hyundai Motor France – Customer Experience TrainingDigital-Learning Handover of the presidency of TAKOMAWe are TAKOMA Promotrans – Redesign of the “light vehicle (-3.5 t) Certificate of professional competence” training course.Digital-Learning, On-site Training PMU – 3D virtual reality tourCommunication-Marketing, Digital-Learning New General ManagerWe are TAKOMA Takoma’s production in 2022!We are TAKOMA Europcar Mobility Group – Digital training solutionDigital-Learning Onboarding course – StellantisDigital-Learning Safran Aircraft Engines – Redesign of on-site training materialsOn-site Training The importance of experience in training and the place of digital.Digital-Learning, On-site Training, We are TAKOMA Suzuki – Technical sales training for new motorbike productsDigital-Learning Electrification training for Nissan EuropeDigital-Learning, On-site Training A digital stopover in Japan for Shiseido’s GINZA perfumeDigital-Learning NissanConnect ProgrammeDigital-Learning Storytelling in trainingWe are TAKOMA 2021 Qashqai – Product TrainingDigital-Learning Takoma’s production in 2021!We are TAKOMA NISSANPEDIA Knowledge BaseDigital-Learning Blended “EV Skills 2.0” curriculum for Niblended curriculum Nissan Europessan EuropeDigital-Learning Presentation videos of Nissan Europe’s rangeDigital-Learning Innovative Training 2021 trophy for TakomaCommunication-Marketing, Digital-Learning, On-site Training, We are TAKOMA Otis and Takoma reimagine training!Communication-Marketing, Digital-Learning, Information management A new website for Je Passe Au VertCommunication-Marketing Takoma at eLearning expo 2021!We are TAKOMA Have you heard of Applo by Takoma?Information management, We are TAKOMA At Takoma, the environment is important!We are TAKOMA A 3D E-Learning module and its VR adaptation for Renault ManufacturingDigital-Learning Internal Plenary 2021We are TAKOMA Takoma’s production in 2020We are TAKOMA A training course for the Yaris Cross compact hybrid SUVDigital-Learning Digital training for the GR Yaris and GR SupraDigital-Learning Takoma participate in the Clarins Digital Learning TrekDigital-Learning A new customer won over by digital learning!Digital-Learning Training module about the green economy for Pôle EmploiDigital-Learning A project addressing ecomobility awareness, won by Takoma!Communication-Marketing JT Toyota France : a new way to train employees!Digital-Learning Peugeot and Citroen : safety and health measures videosCommunication-Marketing Opel France : a video to introduce the safety measures for the sales processCommunication-Marketing Videos about vehicle decontamination for PSA AFTERMARKETCommunication-Marketing TAKOMA’s XR team participated in Laval Virtual WorldWe are TAKOMA Blended learning course for Nespresso staff in EuropeDigital-Learning, On-site Training Design of training solutions for the new Nissan JukeDigital-Learning, On-site Training The Cosmetics & Perfumes Department at the Digital Learning Breakfast of SEPHORA UniversityDigital-Learning Discover our VR Home !We are TAKOMA Takoma designed marketing material for EUROREPAR Car Service at Equip AutoCommunication-Marketing A Digital Learning training course to inform about the health rights established in FranceDigital-Learning Digital Learning training modules for the brand CLARINSDigital-Learning A long-term training solution for PSA GroupDigital-Learning Takoma brings Virtual Reality to schoolDigital-Learning Virtual Reality module for CFA of MallemortDigital-Learning VR modules for Infrastructure Circulation SNCF Réseau Rhône-AlpesDigital-Learning E-learning module for RTEDigital-Learning Blended Learning – Groupe RenaultDigital-Learning, On-site Training Takoma in Laval VirtualWe are TAKOMA A new Digital Learning course for SNCF RéseauDigital-Learning A new e-learning module for RATP InfrastructuresDigital-Learning The Open house held by Pôle Formation Pays de la Loire – UIMMDigital-Learning TAKOMA steps us!We are TAKOMA The “Right to Disconnect” : a new digital learning trainingDigital-Learning Digital Learning Module for AstreDigital-Learning A Learning Game for the Caisse d’Epargne CEPACDigital-Learning Development of digital learning modules for the SMCP groupDigital-Learning Designing and deploying virtual classrooms for NissanDigital-Learning On-site training for Renault’s Cléon FactoryOn-site Training One Digital Learning course for The UIMM Loire regional training centreDigital-Learning Communication Award for Euro Repar Car ServiceCommunication-Marketing Training module for VallourecDigital-Learning E-learning modules for Chassis Brakes InternationalDigital-Learning TAKOMA and MERCEDES-BENZ PerfumesOn-site Training E-learning programme on micronutritientsDigital-Learning Training programme dedicated to hosts and hostesses for PSA GroupOn-site Training Augmented reality for ColoplastCommunication-Marketing Euro Repar Car Service and the mondial Paris Motor ShowCommunication-Marketing The Loire Region Training Centre – UIMMDigital-Learning SERGE LUTENS and TAKOMA are at the forefront of digital and on-site trainingsOn-site Training Webseries for Euro Repar Car ServiceCommunication-Marketing TV Billboards for Euro Repar Car ServiceCommunication-Marketing Nissan Automotive Europe, aiming at a 360° digital transformationInformation management Video Learning by TakomaDigital-Learning, We are TAKOMA 360 Marketing Campaign – Euro Repar Car ServiceCommunication-Marketing E-learning modules for LeclercDigital-Learning Formation blended – NewNissanLEAFOn-site Training E-learning modules for skilled trades in Carrefour MarketDigital-Learning Banking fees – Banque Populaire Grand OuestCommunication-Marketing Applo mobile applicationInformation management, We are TAKOMA ISIRIS VR simulatorCommunication-Marketing, On-site Training Technical Training DepartmentWe are TAKOMA Erudis V5We are TAKOMA MUGLER iPad Application (B2C)On-site Training